competitive exams preparation JEE_NEET_AIIMS,_CPT-disha nucleus Bhagalpur

Our Courses

Our School program is one of the most effective courses for CBSE board and JEE/PMT examination preparation.

In today’s world commerce is not only limited to the field of trade but it has spread far beyond.

Our Faculty

Er. Ram Krishna Sinha

Education: B. Tech (Electrical & Electronics)

Last Job: Ex-Faculty, MIIT (DELHI)

Experience: 19 Years

Award: Honoured By "Bihar Shiksha Ratna"

Dr. Vivek Kumar

Education: Ph.D., B.Ed, M. Com.

Experience: 13 Years

Dr. P K Verma

Education: M. Sc. , Ph.D., NET

Experience: 30 Years

Author: Students Friends Pub.

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