To give students best and most effective practice, we provide them with study materials and daily tutorial sheet (DTS) developed by our expert faculty. Study material are kept updated with new problems and concepts. We develop an exclusive exercise package every year which contains best questions for ensuring success in competitions.
Students often encounter doubts regarding theory, concepts or problems of assignment, DTS or the study package. To help them get over these doubts we have introduced the concept of SDCC (Student’s Doubt Clearance Cell), Where at least one faculty member of each subject is available during working hours of the institute. Without any prior appointment students can take help of this cell during office hours and at times convenient to them…!!
“Visual is always more effective than text.” To present the typical core concept involved in JEE/PMT/CPT preparation in a simple and lucid way, we have provision for multimedia classroom where our experts guide the students to have a view of different aspects which is very difficult to get via blackboard presentation. This not only enhances their visualization power but also opens a gateway to have a feel and view of problem situation, thus raising their analyzing power to expert level. Now a days Most of the Competitive Exams are now computer based, so we try to help students become computer literate.
Education: B. Tech (Electrical & Electronics)
Last Job: Ex-Faculty, MIIT (DELHI)
Experience: 20 Years
Award: Honoured By "Bihar Shiksha Ratna"
Education: M.Sc
15 yrs exp
Education: B.Tech. (Mechanical)
(B.C.E BGP.)
Experience: 10 Years
Education: M.Sc. (Chemistry), B.Ed, Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Experience: 8 Years
Education: M.Sc (Botany)
Experience: 14 Years
Education: M.V.Sc
Experience: 11 Years
Education: Masters in Music
Experience: 8 Years
Education: MA English
Experience: 05 Years
Education: Ph.D., B.Ed, M. Com.
Experience: 14 Years
Education: Ph.D., M. A. (Economics)
Experience: 30 Years
Education: MA English
Experience: 05 Years
Education: Masters in Music
Experience: 8 Years
Our School program is one of the most effective courses for CBSE board and JEE/PMT/NDA/CUET
examination preparation.
Our school programme in commerce has been designed in such a way that it not only fulfills the curriculum needs of the students but also make students aware of the latest development in the field of Finance and Business, and face any challenge, whether board exam & CA Foundation/CS/CUET and come out as winners.
Sandy’s Compound,
Ghooran Peer Baba Chowk Chhoti Khanjarpur,
Bhagalpur- 812001 (Bihar)
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